The Koppenberg | GCN's Epic Climbs
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- We take on the most brutal climb of the Tour of Flanders.
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It's steep, cobbled and mythical in nature. The Koppenberg has gained notoriety among the pro ranks and amateur cyclists alike. Matt, Tom and Simon ventured into deepest Flanders to find out why this 600m stretch of road is so special.
Riding the cobbles with Johan Museeuw ▶︎
Get ready for the Koppenberg - how to train for short, steep climbs ▶︎
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This was the best kind of GCN content. Subtle brand promotion, good presenting and fun without all the fancy editing. Enjoy the Classics season everyone
"Legends like Boonen, Cancellara and Lloyd" haha
Si Richardson with some wattage bazooka right there!! chapeau!!!
I'd love more videos that feature Lasty blowing up and feigning a mechanical. Best thing I've ever seen.
Dear Dan Lloyd, are you sure you read your script correctly at 3:40? Sure it didn't read the 2nd to 4th strongest members of the GCN team? What grace!
That lead out was an absolute classic, made me laugh so much, Llloydy's commentary as well!!
Ya know GCN take on KOMs would be a great feature, right?
Brilliant idea.
+ThePrimaryKorea Hear hear! I'd love to see them suffer on the rides we all do as they attempt (probably quite easily) to beat us. That'd be awesome.
Need this in my life.
I think this is the first time for me to watch the detail of the whole road of the famous Koppenberg. thanks!
"One final, monstrous 200W surge"
Hahahaha 🤣😂👍💪
AMATEUR!! shifting into big ring before cobbles. Then attempting to shift into little ring on the climb.....under power, on at least a 10% gradient and on cobbles!? Now we know Tom last never presents any videos on how use your gears. :p
If that was a reliable edit of the climb chapeau to Simon for doing the thing seated. Good climbing. And to follow on an earlier comment I think GCN take on KoMs would be a good new segment as well :)
Outstanding commentary from the Boss!
One of your greatest videos yet!!
It would have never been a solid video had Dan not mentioned himself amongst the legends who have climbed this iconic stretch of cobble. Nicely done Simon. #WattageBazzoka for Simon this week...
"One final monstrous 200 watt surge" haha
+William Ashman thats my type of level.......... :(
That was a flat one for me...too far from the truth. No man could be better suited to paving the way than the Brick himself got me.
Matt practicing his cx skills with the bike on the back
One of my favourite climbs ever, can't wait to smash it again.
Loving the race element to the 'Epic Climb' video. A race up Alpe D'Huez next?
Why did Richardson retire again?
Would love to see more of the KOM features!
Nice to see a RUclips video in a area where i live
Lasty looks smooth there. Who knew that The Brick would be so good on the bricks.
Outstanding. Great to see you guys truly push it.
I love Simon Richardson. There, I've said it.
Lasty was like a haystack on fire - huge flame... aaand it's gone :)
Great video, loads of fun, thanks!
They need to try "De Muur" or "The Wall" in Geraardsbergen, a shame that they skipped that one since some few years from the tour, the tour is not like it was anymore, i love the Koppenberg aswell tho, greetings from Belgium, tomorrow is the day 100th anniversary tour :)
feeling the music
Did it yesterday for the cyclo, truly monstruous climb haha
Are you ever going to make a video about the Mur de Huy?
The Koppenberg looks like a good training hill for Constitution Hill in Swansea UK, now thats a real cobbled climb!
+JDM4K Been up there, killed myself on a compact.
You should make a video on how to avoid/deal with numb hands!
compact cranks, 11/32 and you'd have got the KOM, spinners are winners. Heard it somewhere.
+experiment54 hes probably making a video about his already hahah
+experiment54 no m8 chug it in the BIG DOG betta'
+experiment54 Must have heard it from someone who doesn't actually win bike races. Winners are spinners, sure, but a 110 cadence doesn't make you Chris Froome.
Bazza Barnes must be Matt Stevens' distant relative, Big Doggin' like a pro here.
+experiment54 Durian rider fan confirmed just like me :D
Make a video about the climbs of the Amstel Gold Race, Keutenberg, Eyserbosweg and more
I know that you like your bike tech, Si and wondered if you ever visited kickstarter? I came across a bike on there yesterday (work was a bit slow) - aero with full internal wiring and integrated cycle computer, fully carbon with different wheels and groupsets ranging from around $1200 to $2500 Not going to paste a link, however it is in the technology section and is called "SpeedX Leopard". Thought that you might find it interesting.
Si, retired? did get ahead off Daniel Lloyd in 2009, 2.27 vs 2.33 . That is just horrendous, Chapeau!
This is great telly.
Dan Lloyd gonna ride the Brabantse pijl(live on sporza)amazing! You got me gcn!
+Vic Ceulemans really?
ga zeker kijken :P
het is een 1 april grap, niemand die dat snapt :s
+Olivier oh haha ik was er ook ingetrapt...
+Olivier ik was er ook ingetrapt ......zag er anders wel heel professioneel uit met de nieuwe rotor groep ezv.
ik weet het niet 100% zeker maar ik denk niet dat je een 35 jarige renner aanneemt
What gearing did you use? Quite a lot of grinding. 34x30 would be good for the steapest part. I use a 36x30 myself. Quite nice as well.
Great vid. How many times did you have to ascend to get all the takes?
hmm put strava link to the segment into movie notes/details
there is huge spam of text and most important thing missing :)
si on a RIDLEY in Belgium what other result did you expect #tested on pave :}
How did Dimension Data give The Boss time off so soon to do yet another GCN video? LOL. Way to put the hurt on Si. Beast
Acabo de leer de ciclismo en Flandes. Esta es una de las empinadas, además con adoquines 😐😒🚴♂️más parece un ciclocross en terreno duro
With a lead out like that, I think Lasty deserves a Wattage Bazooka... or a special mention at the very least.
do riders use some 38 chainrings on flanders? I mean the domestiques for sure their legs will be empty after 200k but the main favorites? because 39x28 must be really tough > 15%
Lasty needs a power meter - to gauge his power better so he doesn't blow up too soon - Go Simon, experience vs youth! Although, if Dan the BOSS had been there it would have been game over for everyone - but he's at Team Dimension Data, right? lol
I can't find this Lee Groves guy anywhere! Loved the 2nd track used - can you help me out?
Damn Richardson is FAST! I mean we all know that the presenters are more than reasonably fit, but that was properly quick!!
You have to stay in the saddle otherwise you lose a grip and traction on rear wheel
Can't help but wonder how Team Dimension Datas latest recruit would have faired?
Fantastic rate of content! I would love to see more videos where the presenters push themselves to their limits :)
hey GCN! have you ever tried to climb up "'de keutenberg"'?
it is very steep!
+douwe jonkbloed Love that one! The whole area there has a lot of "epic" climbs
Nice video
"One final 200 W surge!" Hahaha!
Race Support "Hitting cyclists since 1987" That should be a moto. (see what I did there?...)
Great vid lmao
What's faster on cobbles an aero bike or a more comfortable bike
Best of gcn! What Lloydy? I heard he is going pro again!
Ya I think the video Dan did with Cav just goes to show you how far Dan is from going pro
So ... how many times did you have to climb it for filming?
Should've gotten Dan to set the KOM as he's "very close to producing the same power numbers" to when he was a professional.
Try shibden wall in Halifax. Also cobbled. If it's anything like that I'll leave it thanks
Christopher Jenkins think Shibden looks harder
There's Thwaites Brow just outside Keighley as well which I've seen plenty getting off and push trying to get up it.
Where is Dan, is he back with some Cervelo sponsored team?
Si, did you ever ride the Koppenbergcross in your days as a 'cross rider?
I would love to do this soooooooo much.
And Lloyd. Never forget Lloyd.
Three strongest members if the GCN team, do I hear an objection??
Dan please comeback we're already miss you T_T
lol he never left look on dimension datas site says april fools right on it
+Damien thanks captain obvious
+Jason Stewart some people seem to not have realized it
Do the Zoncolan next
Brutal Climb
Top bar commentary
Did Lasty ever redo it and finish it?
No dan? Off training with dimension data?
GCN Koms please!!!!!
Did it today with my electric bike. It is a very nasty one! Even with an electric bike.
1.25 Tom Last the ultimate scrape
look like its gone on Strava?
", final, monstrous 200 watt surge..."
When are you guys going to start using 'snippets' of video? Showing Jesper getting run over, riders crashing uphill, the crowds, etc would really make this vid, and others you guys make.
this dan thing better be a joke
Is there such thing as a good climb?
GTN, that would be interesting, but I wouldn't recommend trying to ride a bicycle afterwards.
Si kicked butt Lasty just lost steam, next time if he paces himself the "Wattage Bazooka" can do it.
ETap for the win Di2 for the fail.
Dimension Data Dan (D3) would've beat the record.
As a mountain biker I dont a see a problem with this climb LOL
Lastly should be re-named the cobble
...or The Clobbled
Craig Paterson in dutch koppen means heads, and an synonym for cobbles is roughly translated kids heads ( sounds strange that way) so it actually is called that way
Lasty had bad luck and shit can happen anyone. I sure he had pass. Great work Simon. Matt did well if he only used one pedal cinco he have problem clip in. :)
lasty is a wattage bazooka
I would hate to ride on those stones .
Where is Dan ? On a team training ride ? Or shooting a prank for April fools ?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah !!
Is it considered cheating if you use a mountain bike with road tyres? surely that would be faster?
+MRGRUMPY53 I mean is there like an unwritten rule that you should be on a full road bike for the record. I'm just wondering if it might be faster on fatter tyres with more grip and suspension is all.
I really struggled up the Koppenberg... at one point I thought it might all grind to a halt!видео.html
Si think how I think. If u were a woman u would have QOM
+Matt Williams Yeah, if he was a women he would also be 15kg lighter so I think it's fair to say he basically got the KOM!
gcn epic climbs York hill ?
Like als ge uit België komt
Andrea I hace 12 years. To easy